The 21st Century COE Program
"Center of Excellence for Research and Education on Complex Functional Mechanical Systems"

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研究会のお知らせ > Piotr Ordon 博士 特別講演会 (2004/02/24)

Piotr Ordon 博士 特別講演会

日時: 2004年02月24日(火) 15:00〜16:30
場所: 京都大学 工学部物理系校舎 2階 214-215ゼミ室
講演者: Dr. Piotr Ordon (Department of Engineering Physics and Mechanics, Kyoto University (Japan); Molecular Modeling Lab. Wroclaw Agricultural Academy, (Poland))
講演題目: Investigation of the role of the chemical potential and hardness renormalization within the chemical systems
講演要旨: The idea of chemical hardness is used to predict so called nuclear reactivity. It was noticed, that the derivative of force acting on nuclei versus number of electrons plays important role in studying molecular reactivity. We show that second derivative of this force shows how chemical hardness depends on molecular deformations. It is given by Hellmann-Feynman electrostatic theorem. Namely this coupling is given by the sum of electrostatic forces (due to electronic cloud) in negative and positive ions applied to the nuclei. The resulting deformation-induced local instability leads to chemical transformations and can be analyzed by renormalization of the molecular hardness through the molecular deformation energy. Linear combinations of normal modes are shown to be useful for description ofmechanically induced molecular deformations and for definition of the reaction path. Properties of the energy function E(N, Q) in the canonical ensemble and the thermodynamic potential in the grand canonical ensemble W(m, Q) have been analyzed, on the basis of the second order approximation proposed by Liu and Parr. Renormalization of all derivatives explored asreactivity indices in Conceptual DFT has been demonstrated (chemical potential m, global hardness h, number of electrons N, global softness S) for an oscillating system. Numerical results and specific formulas are presented.

京都大学大学院 工学研究科 機械工学専攻 機械物理工学専攻 精密工学専攻 航空宇宙工学専攻
  情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻
京都大学 国際融合創造センター
拠点リーダー 土屋和雄(工学研究科・航空宇宙工学専攻)
拠点事務局 林 紀夫

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