Martin Rein 博士 特別講演会

日時: 2008年02月20日(水) 14:00〜
場所: 京都大学 工学部11号館 2F 会議室
講演者: Dr. Martin Rein (Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, DLR - German Aerospace Center, Gottingen, Germany)
講演題目: Cold spray deposiotion: A study of supersonic jet impingement
講演要旨: Transonic flow phenomena and the generation of sound occurring during the impingement of a supersonic free jet on a plate have been studied both, experimentally and numerically. This happened under conditions typical of the cold spray deposition process. Therefore, also particle-laden jets were considered. Under certain conditions a recirculation bubble is formed in the shock layer ahead of the plate. Numerical computations of this flow that have been performed with the DLR TAU-code, are compared with shadowgraphs. Experimental results obtained with a newly developed multi-exposure method combined with synchronized pressure measurements, show that the formation of recirculation bubbles is typically connected with self-excited flow oscillations. Based on a spectral analysis, different mechanisms of self-excited oscillations are discussed and compared with related phenomena reported in the literature. The importance of flow oscillations on the behaviour of a particle cloud that is formed ahead of the plate in the case of two-phase flows, will also be explained.

京都大学大学院 工学研究科 機械理工学専攻 マイクロエンジニアリング専攻 航空宇宙工学専攻
情報学研究科 複雑系科学専攻
京都大学 国際融合創造センター
拠点リーダー 椹木哲夫(工学研究科・機械理工学専攻)
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